Thursday, October 31, 2019
Is Public Safety Assured or Threatened Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Is Public Safety Assured or Threatened - Essay Example In such instances, prison terms are far more costly and less effective than alternative programs. Effective alternative programs, regardless of intensity, are still the less costly option. There are other sanctions and programs available, such as probation, treatment programs, work-release programs and a host of combined services that, when combined and applied appropriately, may prevent crime without the expense of prison. Criminologist James Q. Wilson believes that prison has been overused as states have Expanded their incarceration programs. â€Å"They have dipped deeper into the bucket of persons eligible for prison, dredging up offenders with shorter and shorter criminal records.†Wilson argues that the costs to society may far outweigh the benefits. Increased incarceration does little to increase public safety. The cost of America’s correction system â€Å"now exceeds $60 billion per year†(Austin & Fabelo 7). Those who have violated their probation for con victions of alcohol and drug use, unemployment and failure to pay court fees has also increased, as a result. The increased cost ultimately is passed on to taxpayers, with little return for their investments. Crimes related to drugs, property and public disorder have little to no connection with pain and suffering to victims. Yet , â€Å"over 90% of crimes committed are of this nature†(Austin & Fabelo 9). Public safety is not even an issue. Effective alternative programs, which could include job training, education, rehabilitation and other services based on ability to pay would likely save taxpayers and communities money.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Gaining Confessions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Gaining Confessions - Essay Example Gaining confessions from suspects are both challenging and rewarding in terms of the investigators’ ability to extract the accurate information to make a just conviction. O’Connor & Maher (2009) indicated that there are â€Å"four major areas of concern to address to reduce future wrongful convictions incidents: false confessions, inadequate investigations, mistaken eyewitness identification, and delayed, absent, mistaken, or improper forensic analysis†(par. 5). In this regard, the essay aims to proffer issues pertaining to gaining confessions in the criminal justice system. The discourse would identify the different types of confessions; delve into the relevant aspects of interrogation, and present some recommendations to prevent or minimize the possibilities of generating false confessions. Wicremasinghe (2002) define a confession as â€Å"an admission the words of which expressly or substantially admit guilt or when they are taken together in the context inferentially admit guilt†(Wicremasinghe, 2002, par. 15). In the article written by O’Connor & Maher (2009), the authors cited Kissin (2008) as identifying three types of confessions, to wit: â€Å"(1) voluntary confessions – those in which people claim responsibility for crimes they did not commit without prompting from police; (2) compliant confessions – cases in which the suspect acquiesces in order to escape from a stressful situation, avoid punishment, or gain a promised or implied reward; and (3) internalized false confessions – those in which innocent but vulnerable suspects, exposed to highly suggestive interrogation techniques, come to not only confess but come to believe they committed the crime in question†(Kissin, 249 as cited by O’Connor & Maher, par. 22). Due to the controversial nature of confessions, per se, the authenticity of the information gathered during the confession
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Pros And Cons Of Media Globalization Media Essay
Pros And Cons Of Media Globalization Media Essay Globalisation and its impacts have constituted one of the latest buzz words of today. It could be seen on the streets in any part of the world through the global reach of the Adidas sport shoes brand or the McDonalds fast-food chain, in our everyday media consumption through global media coverage of events such as the recent uproar in Egypt, terrorist actions such as the 911 and celebrity events such as the royal marriage of Prince Williams and Kate Middleton. According to David Held and Anthony McGrew, globalisation denotes the expanding scale, growing magnitude, speeding up and deepening impact of transcontinental flows and patterns of social interaction. It refers to a shift or transformation in the scale of human organization that links distant communities and expands the reach of power relations across the worlds regions and continents. (Held and McGrew, 2002, p.1) The subject of media globalisation is primarily concerned with the domination of the global media industry by a small number of powerful transnational media conglomerates, and the extent to which these impact upon the worldviews of individuals in different parts of the world. Media have a central place in processes of globalisation for three reasons. Firstly, media corporations have been among those corporations that have been increasingly globalizing their operations. Secondly, media organizations help to develop the global communications infrastructure that facilitates global information flows and cross-border commercial activities. Lastly, global media are the principal means through which we make sense of events in distant places, and the information and images that they carry are central to the development of shared systems of meanings and understanding across borders. (Flew, 2007, p. 70-72) With the radical critique of global media being associated with strong globalisation arguments, globalisation is seen as the dominant force in media industries currently, notwithstanding counter-trends and localized forms of resistance. (Flew, 2007, p. 72) Cultural, Political and Economic Implications of Media Globalisation Pros of Media Globalisation The growth in global markets has helped to promote efficiency through competition and the division of labour the specialization that allows people and economies to focus on what they do best. Global markets also offer greater opportunity for people to tap into more diversified and larger markets around the world. It means that they can have access to more capital, technology, cheaper imports and larger export markets. The extensive reach of globalisation extends to daily choices of personal, economic and political life. For instance, greater access to modern technologies, in the world of health care, could make the difference between life and death. In communications, it would facilitate commerce and education, and allow access to independent media. Globalisation can also create a framework for cooperation among nations on a range of non-economic issues that have cross-border implications, such as immigration, the environment and legal issues. Simultaneously, the influx of foreign goods, services and capital in a country can create incentives and demands for strengthening the education system, as a countrys citizens recognise the competitive challenge before them. A core element of globalisation is the expansion of world trade through the elimination or reduction of trade barriers, such as import tariffs. Greater imports offer consumers a wider variety of goods at lower prices, while providing strong incentives for domestic industries to remain competitive. Exports, often a source of economic growth for developing nations, stimulate job creation as industries sell beyond their borders. The media industries have an innate tendency towards concentration of ownership and control, and that this tendency has been extended since the 1980s from the national to the global scale. Herman and McChesney (1997, p.1) argued that since the early 1980s there has been a dramatic restructuring of national media markets, along with the emergence of a genuinely global commercial media market. The principal consequence of such developments has been, as McChesney and Schiller argue, that a transnational corporate-commercial communication began to be crafted and a new structural logic put in placeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ [as] communicationsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ became a subject to transnational corporate-commercial development (McChesney and Schiller, 2003, p.6). McChesney has noted a focus upon the relationship between media globalisation and the concentration and centralisation of media ownership, and the interconnected nature of these two processes. The trend towards a global media oligopoly hastened in the 1980s and 1990s, for dominant media firms to seek international expansion in order to ensure their presence in a range of media markets and by concentration of ownership within media industries and the expansion of connections across media industries through the growth of multinational, cross-media conglomerates such as Disney, News Corporation etc. Cons of Media Globalisation Critical media theorists have always been concerned with tendencies towards concentration of media ownership and their impact upon politics, society and culture, and the impact of media globalisation led by Western transnational media corporations. Herbert Schiller argued that the current stage of the US-dominated global capitalism was one where what he termed the entertainment, communications and information (ECI) industries had achieved economic preeminence; their influence was enacted not only in the political-economic sphere but upon global culture and consciousness; and the result was a form of cultural imperialism, whereby the ideas and ideologies of the dominant West (particularly in the United States) exerted hegemony over the populations of the rest of the world. The radical critique of global media associated with critical political economy has experienced a resurgence of interest in recent years. The proposition that media ownership worldwide is subject to growing concentration, leading to reduced competition and increasingly homogenous media content worldwide. Edward Herman and Robert McChesney have argued that theà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ global media system is dominated by three or four dozen large transnational corporations (TNCs) with fewer than ten mostly U.S-based media conglomerates towering over the global market (Herman and McChesney, 1997, p.1). This has often been taken as a given starting point for understanding the nature of global media today, and is routinely repeated by critics for globalisation (Flew, 2007, p.73). For instance, Manfred Steger (2003, p.76) argues that to a very large extent, the global cultural flows of our times are generated and directed by global media empires that rely on powerful communication technologies to spread their messageà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ During the last two decades, a small group of very large TNCs have come to dominate the global market for entertainment, news, television, and film.
Friday, October 25, 2019
An Analysis Of Why Jimmy Doyle Will Never Succeed In Life Due To His F :: essays research papers
An Analysis of Why Jimmy Doyle Will Never Succeed in Life Due to His Father In "After The Race", by James Joyce in the book "Dubliners", the main character, Jimmy Doyle will be an unproductive citizen, fooling around with his friends and living off of his father's money for the rest of his life. In this short story he demonstrated that he doesn't realize the value of money, because he has never had to work for it, hence he is too frivolous with it at times. Jimmy also likes to be with his friends and to not work hard at what he does. Jimmy has no work ethic because his father had a lot of money, in fact he is referred to as a "merchant prince" in Dublin due to his success as a butcher, and his father did not want Jimmy to work for what he has, but would rather see his son become popular and make a lot of connections. Jimmy's father is the reason he will never succeed in life on his own. Jimmy Doyle grew in a family that was quite well off financially due to the hard work of his father. Mr. Doyle made a lot of money through hard work and sacrifice as butcher, and he wanted nothing but the best for his son. He did not want his son to work as hard as he did growing up. When Jimmy went away to college, he spent more time socializing than he did studying. "Jimmy did not study very earnestly and took to bad courses for awhile. He had money and he was popular; ..."(p.25). Jimmy liked better to be in the company of peers rather than study, and his father condoned it. When Jimmy was not doing well at Dublin University, his father let him go off to Cambridge where he could "see life a little". While there he seemed to run the bills a little high, and his father took care of all the expenses because he wanted to show off the money that he had acquired. The way Jimmy's dad just gave him money and only wanted Jimmy to meet people who were "worth knowing" corrupted Jimmy's work ethic and his behavior in the book clearly demonstrates this. Jimmy Doyle has no work ethic and is just happy to be with his friends accomplishing nothing. Jimmy loves having acquaintances and meeting people. He was very proud coming through his home town after the big race and being seen in the car with such people that he was with; Charles, an heir to a hotel empire
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Limitations of the study Essay
The study focuses on the lives of the African American Slaves that are symbolized by the slaves in the 1987 literary masterpiece Beloved by African American author Toni Morrison. In terms of qualitative research, the first scope and delimitation is the use of secondary materials for the qualitative essay. The Second scope is the use of survey questions on persons who have read the Beloved novel. There were twenty persons interviewed for the quantitative part of this research. In terms of quantitative research, this study covered the effect of Motherhood on the Feminism in Beloved. The two data, Motherhood and Feminism, will be treated using the Compare and Contrast qualitative research method. Overview of research Statement of the Problem: This study is aimed to determine the effect of Slavery on Motherhood and Feminism in the Beloved novel. Specifically this study seeks to answer the following problems: Qualitative Research: 1. Compare Motherhood and Feminism in Beloved. 2. Contrast Motherhood and Feminism in Beloved. Quantitative Research 1. What is the profile of the respondents as to: 1. 1 Age; 1. 2 Gender; 1. 3 Highest Educational Attainment 2. Is there a significant difference between the respondents’ determination if the Beloved novel is real or fiction when grouped according to: 2. 1 Age; 2. 2 Gender; 2. 3 Highest Educational Attainment. 3. Is there a significant difference between the respondents’ determination if slave life is harsh in the Beloved novel when grouped according to; 3. 1 Age, 3. 2 Gender 3. 3 Highest Educational Attainment. 4. Is there a significant difference between the respondents’ determination on how Sethe felt about her motherly suffering in the Beloved novel when grouped According to: 4. 1 Age; 4. 2 Gender 4. 3 Highest Educational Attainment. 5. In there a significant difference between the respondents’ determination on the reality of Mother Baby Snugg’s Freedom when grouped according to: 5. 1 Age, 5. 2 Gender 5. 3 Highest Educational Attainment. 6. In there a significant difference between the respondents’ determination on the reality of the right of women slaves to love when grouped according to: 6. 1 Age; 6. 2 Gender; 6. 3 Highest Educational Attainment. 7. Is there a significant difference between the respondents in terms of the right of slave mothers to own their children when grouped according to: 7. 1 Age; 7. 2 Gender 7. 3 Highest Educational Attainment. Hypothesis: 1. There is no significant difference between the respondents’ determination if the Beloved novel is real or fiction when grouped according to Age, Gender and Highest Educational Attainment. 2. There is no significant difference between the respondents’ determination if slave life is harsh in the Beloved novel when grouped according to Age, Gender and Highest Educational Attainment. 3. There is no significant difference between the respondents’ determination on how Sethe felt about her motherly suffering in the Beloved novel when grouped according to Age, Gender and Highest Educational Attainment. 4. There is no significant difference between the respondents’ determination on the reality of Mother Baby Snugg’s Freedom when grouped according to Age, Gender and Highest Educational Attainment. 5. There is no significant difference between the respondents’ determination on the reality of the right of women slaves to love when grouped according to Age, Gender and Highest Educational Attainment. 6. There is no significant difference between the respondents in terms of the right of slave mothers to own their children when grouped according to Age, Gender and Highest Educational Attainment. FINDINGS and CONCLUSIONS The present inquiry revealed the following 1. There is no significant difference between the respondents’ determination if the Beloved novel is real or fiction when grouped according to Age, Gender and Highest Educational Attainment. Hypothesis is accepted. 2. There is no significant difference between the respondents’ determination if slave life is harsh in the Beloved novel when grouped according to Age, Gender and Highest Educational Attainment. Hypothesis is accepted. 3. There is no significant difference between the respondents’ determination on how Sethe felt about her motherly suffering in the Beloved novel when grouped according to Age, Gender and Highest Educational Attainment. Hypothesis is accepted. 4. There is no significant difference between the respondents’ determination on the reality of Mother Baby Snugg’s Freedom when grouped according to Age, Gender and Highest Educational Attainment. Hypothesis is accepted. 5. There is a significant difference between the respondents’ determination on the reality of the right of women slaves to love when grouped according to Age, Gender and Highest Educational Attainment. Hypothesis is rejected. 6. There is no significant difference between the respondents in terms of the right of slave mothers right to own children when grouped according to Age, Gender and Highest Educational Attainment. Hypothesis is accepted. 7. There are more respondents belonging to the 15- 25 age level. 8. There are more respondents belonging to the Female Gender. 9. There are more respondents belonging to the High School Highest Educational Attainment level. RECOMMENDATIONS: The researcher recommends that further research be done on the following areas: 1. Effect of Beloved’s literary overtures to the lives of current African Americans. 2. Effect of Morrison’s literary works on current African American lives.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Erin Brockovich
Abstract Leadership style has a substantial impact on the operations of any business. This essay examines the movie Erin Brokovich (2000) in an effort to identify the strengths and weaknesses associated with the transactional and transformational forms of leadership.The literature examined in this study illustrated the concept that successful leadership is a combination of components that rests on many separate traits. This study will be of value to any person studying leadership theory. 1 Introduction Leadership is a fundamental issue that impacts performance and resolution on every level. The film Erin Brokovich (2000) depicts a single mother that takes on a corporation in an effort to illustrate the company’s misdeeds. Examining the role of both Ms Brokovich and her attorney Ed Masry as the plot of the story develops demonstrates the wide array of influence that the differing styles of leadership had both on the case at hand and further proceedings based on similar circumstances. The area of transformational leadership, or the proactive approach employed by Ms Brokovich will be examined in order to identify the benefits and detriments of the straight forward approach (Gardner and Laskin, 2013). The next segment will be an analysis of Ed Masry’s transactional leadership approach, or leading through reactive measures, which in turn will lead to an illustration of effectiveness (Gardner et al, 2013). With a brief comparison illustrating the differences and values of e ach method this essay will close with an evaluation of impact. In the end this essay will have considered the transactional and transformational forms of leadership with the stated goal of illustrating the benefits and detriments associated with each approach. 2 Leadership Hughes (2009) defines leadership as the capacity to influence others to a specific goal or objective. During this process of leadership, there are several different methods that are cited to produce solid results, which in turn produce identifiable management trends (Abrahamson and Eisenman, 2008). Smircich and Morgan (1982) argue that certain styles of leadership emphasize the right or obligation of one person to provide direction for others. In every case the style of leadership utilized makes a significant impact on the company or project (Peters and Austin, 1985). This essay focuses on the transformational and the transactional forms of leadership as demonstrated in the movie Erin Brokovich (2000).2.1 Transformational LeadershipGhandi asserted â€Å"We are all, first and foremost, human beings and we must relate to one another on that naked basis.†(Gardner, 2013:266). This description is one method of illustrating the visionary elements that comprise the transformational form of leadership. Transformational leadership is defined by the capacity of the individual to not only engage with the issues at hand, but convince others around them that there is a genuine cause for continued effort (Northouse, 2004). Yet, this style of leadership can fall into a overconfidence trap (Russo, Schoemaker & Russo, 1990). Some researchers identify elements of this approach as a form of Charismatic leadership that is fraught with potential harm to the company (Ouimet, 2010). As with the main character, Erin Brokovich, her qualities of women leadership exude confidence and unwavering ambition, serves to provide those around her with a sense of purpose and direction (Gardner, 2013). Further her aspect of altruism helps her to reach out to others (Ouimet, 2010). N ot only has the leadership created a potential future but this person has provided a reason for the effort (Northouse, 2004). This sense of purpose is credited with driving the agenda for any project under this form of leadership. As with Ms Brokovich the character, the transactional leader brings a form of intuition and basic enthusiasm to the table, which in turn fuels the entire effort (Schoemaker, Krupp, Howland, 2013). There is no sense during the movie of a form of servant leadership; Ms Brokovich was centre on her goals, excluding any diversions (Schoemaker et al, 2013). Coupled with the gender gap that Ms Brokovich contends with throughout the movie, there is a real sense of her having to fight for every single effort (Virick and Greer, 2012). However there is a perception that there is no correct situational leadership style leading to success, it is a combination of factors coupled with Ms Brokovich personal drive (Virick et al, 2012). A distinct detriment involved with the transformational approach outlined by Golemans (2013) leadership theory as clearly demonstrated by Erin Brokovich, was the headstrong opinionated statement of ideals regardless of the surroundings. As was the case when Ms Brokovich spoke her mind in the courtroom and lost her accident claim, there is very real potential to harm an on-going effort with a poorly founded assertion. Yet, there cannot be a turning away from a potential issue through the advent of fearing failure (McCullough, 2008). Ms Brokovich clearly illustrates that by clarifying the basic elements of the initial client’s case, the medical records, that the uncovering of the past association of the water company held clear need for investigation. As in the model Simon (1959) outlined there is a rational model that allows for the person to choose the best alternative. The uncovering of these links led to a transformation of the case from a routine operation to a case that yi elded substantial gain and reparations for every party involved. As the Ann Brown (1996) evidence demonstrated knowledge is critical for progress. The process of critical thinking directly leads to higher forms of literacy and argumentation as well as sophistication (Brown, 1996). Transformational leaders have the capacity to invoke charisma and personal attributes in order to attain their goal (Goleman, 2000). Utilizing at least some feminine wiles, Ms Brokovich was able to convince the keeper of the county water records to not only allow her unfettered access, but extended her every personal nicety possible. This quality of contact and ability to connect with those involved most closely with the case provided further opportunities for this form transformational leadership to play a pivotal role (Goleman, 2013). It was the personal outreach of Ms Brokovich that enabled the initial claimants to realize the connection between the water company and the sicknesses that that family was experiencing. The stimulation that Ms Brokovich provided allowed t he pieces of the puzzle to come together in such a manner that the truth could emerge (Gardner, 2013). This demonstration of continued research and determination is a critical element of the transformational approach to leadership. Others cite the high instances of failure due to the lack of support offered to potential leaders during crises (Lawerence, 2013). There is an innate instinct to choose a successful leader, and a person that does not consistently show wise decision making can rapidly lose their following. A transformational leader will possess the capacity to encourage the group to action (Gardner, 2013). This is a critical component any operation, the ability to bring the clients to focused action. As Ms Brokovich discovered, it was necessary to enlist nearly every one of the potential claimants in order for the claim to go forward against the water company. It was her personal connection, intuition and knowledge of the situation that enabled the lawyers to create a case that would be capable of winning in court (Gardner, 2013). Yet, depending too much on these personal relationships can become a detriment in the event the core person or knowledge is lost or corrupted (Golemman, 2013). Despite the fact that Ms Brokovich possessed the capacity of personally remembering each and every element of each and every case, there was the real potential for oversight, which is a substantial weakness of the transformational approach to leadership (Northouse, 2004). Finally, the transformational leadership approach is cited for inspiring the long term effort (Gardner, 2013). Yet, when it fails others describe this form leadership as wreaking tremendous consequences on any underlying company (Northouse, 2004). Following the initial success Ms Brokovich inspired those around her to seek out others in similar situations, thus creating a long term effort to correct the illegal acts of large corporations. In a very real way, it was the leadership style of Ms Brokovich that first identified, then researched and then made possible the settlement against the water company. Lacking such a person playing this key role, there would never have been an awareness of the issue and many families and individuals would be worse off. In this case, transformational leadership, while showing some weakness, supplied the impetus for positive resolution and personal success.2.2 Transactional LeadershipTransactional leadership is an approach that emphasizes the role of reward in the effort to produce results (Bolman, 2013). Resting on the twin concepts of reward contingent on effort and stability of the status quo, the transactional form of leadership provides incentives to the employee workforce. The very first example of this style of leadership employing the reward element is the day Ms Brokovich forces her way onto Mr Masry’s staff. With the act of offering her a job as a form of reward for her perseverance and ambition, the transactional leadership style of Mr Masry was illustrated (Gardner, 2013). Despite his initial reluctance to give her a position, he was led to the act by the actions of Ms Brokovich. Further, this element allowed Mr Masry the luxury of maintaining the status quo at work, providing another illustration of the transactional philosophy at work (Avolio and Yammarino, 2002). Trying very hard to maintain a business that operates smoothly Mr Masry is very concerned with reducing any outbursts or unsightly scenes at the workplace. Avilo et al (2002) outlines the argument that the only truly effective form of leadership rests in the combination of the transformation and transactional format. Others cite the highly unstable nature of the transformational style and cite instances that misinformation and lack of information has led to failure on the part of companies employing these methods (Gardner, 2013). The literature supports the contention that the transactional form of leadership is effective and adaptable, capable of being utilized in nearly any environment (Avilo et al, 2002). Yet, the Chhokar, Brodbeck and House (2007) literature disputes this assertion assigning the transactional approach to be best used only by temporary management during transitional phases. The next example of the transactional form of leadership espoused by Mr Masry rests in the firing of Ms Brokovich following her initial foray into research. The managerial approach in this instance equated the actions of Ms Brokovich with the deliberate abandonment of duty, thereby resulting in termination (Chhokar et al, 2007). This reaction was in direct response to the attendant attitudes of the other employees in the office as well as a direct effort to maintain tranquillity in the work place. The role of the transactional leader is to determine what is in the best interests of the company and provide the best employee centred solution (Northouse, 2004). Again, this action on the part of Mr Masry was a direct reward of the actions perceived to be taken by Ms Brokovich, which in turn led to a direct reprisal. The transactional leadership approach does not individualize employees, but seeks to treat each person the same, thereby equalling the work place (Northouse, 2004). With the actions of Mr Masry directly fuelling Ms Brokovich outrage, there was a very real sense of motivation in her decision to re-join the team after Mr Masry sought out her help. The transactional approach in this case dictated that Mr Masry ensure that Ms Brokovich was properly motivated to work with the team, despite her sometimes outspoken manner (Wheatley, 2004). This transactional style is repeated throughout the movie as Mr Masry’s preferred form of management. From the instant that Ms Brokovich is taken back onto the staff at the law firm, there is the sense of pay for performance being demonstrated by being given a rental car and a raise (Gardner, 2013). This acknowledgement of value in the work that Ms Brokovich was conducting was reflected in the reward of better pay and position at the work place. As the movie continued to demonstrate the building case against the water company the transactional style of leadership of Mr Masry continued to show. With the move to bring in a partner firm to defray the cost, Mr Masry was utilizing the transactional approach to maintain the status quo (Bograd, 1995). By attempting to have the meeting at a time when he was aware that Ms Brokovich would be gone, only supports the approach by illustrating the desire to maintain a low profile, confrontation free work place (Gardner, 2013). Yet, this approach could easily have overlooked the case at hand by focusing on maintaining day to day ordinary operations (Goleman, 2013). It was Mr Masry’s wish to maintain an ethical countenance and make the situation better for Ms Brokovich that served to provide the opportunity for this case to emerge (Mendonca and Kanungo, 2007). His sense of corporate responsibility, or the need to be accountable for his actions that caused him to take that action (Gol eman, 2013). Finally, the transactional form of leadership espoused by Mr Masry was best exemplified by the overpayment of funds to Ms Brokovich. It was the determination of management that the job provided by Ms Brokovich was worthy of an increase in pay, thereby providing correct remuneration for effort (Gardner, 2013). This final demonstration of transactional philosophy clearly illustrates the strength of proper management. Yet, a clear liability rests in the opportunity for management to neglect to adequately reward the employee, thereby detracting from the fundamental effort (Northouse, 2004). 3 Conclusion The movie Erin Brokovich (2000) provided a clear illustration of leadership in the form of Ms Brokovich’s transformational approach as well as Mr Masry’s transactional view. Both methods have been credited with providing sound and reasonable provisions for both companies and individuals. Yet, the opportunity for weakness due to the individual personality detriments found in the transformational approach can hinder development of any idea or concept significantly. Further, the transformational approach rests largely on the assurance that the leadership has the correct information as well as the appropriate know-how. Lacking a clear strategy can doom any project to failure. In comparison the transactional approach has the potential to overlook possible opportunities in the quest to maintain office stability. Relying on the actions of others to provide impetus for progress can limit the overall capacity for a business to succeed. The literature in this analysis supports the approach that a combination of the transformational and transactional approaches is the best method of overall leadership. Leading by providing vision, yet rewarding the industriousness of the employee base has the potential to build a long lasting organization that will have the innate capacity to meet any goal. Much like the movie Erin Brokovich (2000) illustrated, with proper leadership, vision and determination even the biggest well-funded organization must submit to the rule of law. 4 References Abrahamson, E. and Eisenman, M. 2008. Employee-management techniques: transient fads or trending fashionsAdministrative Science Quarterly, 53 (4), pp. 719–744. Avolio, B. J. and Yammarino, F. J. 2002. Transformational and charismatic leadership. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science. Bograd, H. 1995. The Jossey-Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management.Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 24 (3), pp. 269–271. Bolman, L. G. 2013. Reframing organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Brown, A. and Campione, J. C. 1996. Psychological theory and the design of innovative learning environments. Berkeley, CA: University of California. Chhokar, J. S., Brodbeck, F. C. and House, R. J. 2007. Culture and leadership across the world. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Gardner, H. and Laskin, E. 2013. Leading minds. New York, NY: BasicBooks. Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R. E. and Mckee, A. 2013. Primal leadership. Goleman (2000), Leadership that gets results, Harvard Business Review Hughes, R. 2009. Time for leadership development interventions in the public health nutrition workforce. Public health nutrition, 12 (08), pp. 1029–1029. Lawrence (2013), Developing Leaders in a VUCA Environment, UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School Mendonca, M. and Kanungo, R. N. 2007. Ethical leadership. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill/Open University Press. McCullough 2008. Timeless Leadership: The great leadership lessons don’t change, Harvard Business Review Northouse, P. G. 2004. Leadership. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage. Ouimet, G. 2010. Dynamics of narcissistic leadership in organizations: Towards an integrated research model. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 25 (7), pp. 713–726. Peters, T. J. and Austin, N. 1985. A passion for excellence. The leadership difference. Price, T. L. 2008. Leadership ethics. Leadership, 1 pp. 1–2008. Russo, J. E., Schoemaker, P. J., & Russo, E. J. 1990. Decision traps: Ten barriers to brilliant decision-making and how to overcome them. Simon & Schuster. Schoemaker, Krupp, Howland 2013. Strategic Leadership: The Essential Skills, Harvard Business Review Simon, H. A. 1959. Theories of decision-making in economics and behavioral science. The American economic review, 49(3), 253-283 Smircich, L., Morgan, G. and Others. 1982. Leadership: The management of meaning. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 18 (3), pp. 257–273. Virick, M. and Greer, C. R. 2012. Gender diversity in leadership succession: Preparing for the future. Human Resource Management, 51 (4), pp. 575–600. Wheatley, M. J. 2004. Leadership and the new science. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Erin Brockovich Film Review: Erin Brockovich This film was based on a true story of an unemployed single mother, Erin Brockovich, who is just trying to get by. After a stream of bad luck, she finally convinces a lawyer to give her a job as a file clerk at his firm. Although no one took her all too seriously at work because of her lack of experience and â€Å"trashy†ensemble, she soon changes their perception of her when she begins to investigate a suspicious pro bono real estate case involving the Pacific Gas & Electric Company.After relentless prying she finds out that PG&E was secretly trying to buy land from local residents in order to cover up the damages done in the area. Come to find out, they had been contaminating an entire neighborhood’s water supply with a deadly toxin called hexavalent chromium and not telling anyone. Erin Brockovich is by far the most interesting model of leadership in this movie but when you consider mainstream leadership qualities, she is not our usual c ontender.What makes her so rare is that she hardly fits our cookie cutter impression of a leadership type individual. She was out of work, had three children, single, had two divorces, and no real employment skills. Yet, she had other hidden qualities that surfaced when the opportunity arose, which made her the ultimate transformational leader. Her independence, consistency, and inquisitiveness were the driving factors that ultimately won a 330 million dollar lawsuit against a multi billion-dollar corporation.In the film, Erin reveals how leadership can come from the most unusual of backgrounds and experiences. Although Erin was a great leader in the film, I feel as though it was more or less situational and all leaders could not practice leadership in the way depicted in this movie. Like discussed in class, leaders can blossom from unexpected places. Some people are better at one thing than others and vice versa. Every opportunity to step forth is situational and should be analyzed in this way.A single person cannot be the best at everything and must step down and let others take the reigns as well. Apart from being accepted at work, another challenge Erin had to overcome was getting her voice heard and convincing people that she was right and that there was some under the table things happening right before their eyes. Here, Erin emerged as a leader and was not afraid to back down from what she believed in and fought for the families affected by the contaminated water like they were her own.She handled these challenges with determination and courage. The leadership elements communication, commitment, courage, consideration, and competence were relevant throughout the movie. It took a great deal of communication and courage in order for Erin to finally get her point across because at first she did not have any credibility and no one really took her seriously assumed that she had a lack of competence with law. She was forced to make them believe otherwise, and she ended up being successful with this.Her commitment to the project and consideration of the families involved was tremendous. Her commitment was one of her strongest elements and I believe this was what made her so powerful in this case. Her courage of conviction was unmatched, and her leadership qualities really shined through with these elements. What I took away from this movie was motivation. If you have the heart and desire to do something, then anything is possible. Even when you may not have the background or experience in the matter, emergent leaders can develop from anywhere.As a leader, I feel as though it is important to communicate and let your passion show through because people want to know that their leaders believe in what they are doing. Erin was an exceptional example of leadership because at first she did not seem like our typical leader. However, it was the situation that was presented that gave her the will to transform into exactly the type of leader that t hose families needed, and in the end Erin helped solidify a victory with the lawsuit.
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