Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Tuition Fee Cap Of Universities Essay - 1726 Words
INTRODUCTION in 2012, the tuition fee cap of universities in England increased to  £9000. Wales, Scotland and North Ireland also raised their fee. With the agreement of the parliament, the UK government allowed universities to charge Students up to  £9000 per year instead of the  £3375 in the previous two years. This contentious policy leads to protest in London and strong objection among students and schools. The opposition argued that raising the cap on tuition fee will put huge pressure on both universities and students, as the cuts to university funding will force the universities to increase the tuition fee that adds up to student s financial burden. Supporters, however, claimed that by cutting down university funding will benefit the rest of the economy. This essay will be examining both sides of arguments and give reasons to why the policy is unfair to current and future university students. As for the impact on the economy in the UK, Graphs, and statistical data will be included to further explain and analyze. Before debating on whether increasing tuition fee is unfair to future students, we should keep in mind that the current education system and policy can never benefit everyone. Especially when the competition between universities is a lot more intense nowadays. Increasing the income and value of the school is the priority. If one has no money or resources provided, it is less likely that he or she can be enrolled at a university compared to others. Thus, theShow MoreRelatedEco204 Raise or Lower Tuition? Essay710 Words  | 3 PagesTo raise more revenue, Nobody State University increases its tuition so, this would not increase the revenue but it would decrease the revenue. If one increase then the other would definitely decrease. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Big Daddy and the American Dream in Tennessee Williams...
Big Daddy and the American Dream in Tennessee Williams Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Tennessee Williams Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is a thought-provoking play that explores human relationships of all kinds. The character of Brick is forced to examine the relationship with his friend, Skipper, his wife, his family, and himself. Other characters, Gooper, Mae, and Big Mama, demonstrate stifling marriage relationships. Big Daddy, though, is one of the most interesting characters in that he illustrates the strange relationship one can have with ones possessions. Watt and Richardson, the editors, state that the play is about acquisitiveness. That is, the acquiring of material possessions is central to the play, and this family. The†¦show more content†¦Margaret pleads with Brick to dress for Big Daddys party. She does not want Bricks father to see what a shambles her marriage is in. She asks, Brick, Ive laid out your beautiful Shantung silk suit . . . your monogrammed silk shirts . . . your cuff links (667 act 1). Brick only relents to wearing his white silk pajamas. He has no need for clothing to serve as his mask since he already has masks of a different kind to hide behind. Yet, as said before, it is Big Daddy who is most dependent on his relationship with things. He has a wife decked out like some massive animal, the luster of her great diamonds and many pearls, the brilliants set in the silver frames of her glasses (676 act 2), and speaks with scorn about her and this need for extravagance. He even goes so far as to act as though he has contempt for money, too. He says, But a man cant buy his life with it, he cant buy back his life with it when his life has been spent (682 act 2). Yet these words contradict the words that follow, the words that express his true inner belief about money and possessions: The human animal is a beast that dies and if hes got money he buys and buys and buys and I think the reason he buys everything he can buy is that in the back of his mind he has the crazy hope that one of his purchases will be life everlasting! (683 act 2) Big Daddy is consumed by possessions, by acquisitiveness. He has been faced with his imminentShow MoreRelatedTheme Of Cat On A Hot Tin Roof1112 Words  | 5 Pageswrapped around Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. It involves a character, Brick, lost between his desired sexuality and his true sexuality, while been drastically affected by his best friends death, Skipper, caught between lies and secrets. The desire of his wife, Maggie, to have a child has also drastically affected him. It is Maggie’s attempt to win him back, as he does not want her. The play as well involves malignant liver cancer taking over the father/family man and owner of the estate, Big Daddy. All of thisRead MoreCat On A Hot Tin Roof By Tennessee Williams1642 Words  | 7 Pagesrelationships is Cat on a Hot Tin Roof by Tennessee Williams. Within the play, the Pollitt family faced an abundance of dysfunction between its members, such as secrets being hidden and marriages facing rough times. The presence of deceit and sexuality in the lives of the Pollitt family has a major impact on the plot of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, as well as on the relationships between these characters. In Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, the plot centers on the Pollitt family, a family living in the American south aroundRead MoreSymbolism, Imagery and Allegory in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and A Streetcar Named Desire2119 Words  | 9 PagesSymbolism, Imagery and Allegory in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and A Streetcar Named Desire  Tennessee Williams said, in the foreword to Camino Real, a symbol in a play has only one legitimate purpose, which is to say a thing more directly and simply and beautifully than it could be said in words. Symbolism is used, along with imagery and allegory to that effect in both Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and A Streetcar Named Desire. Both plays tend to share the same kinds of symbols and motifs; sometimesRead MoreA Raisin In The Sun And Cat On A Hot Tin Roof Analysis1714 Words  | 7 PagesThe American dream is the idea that â€Å"every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative†. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Faith And Belief Essay Example For Students
Faith And Belief Essay In every day life we experience many internal conflicts and crisis. These crisesoften manifest themselves as moral dilemmas and are a part of being human. Butthe question that arises is what causes us to handle ourselves the way we do inthose situations. Some people might say faith, but the true answer is ourbeliefs. That is why we seem to be at an all time low in morality, we are havinga crisis of belief. Most people believe that faith is what holds us together,and our beliefs are just a guide. However, it is our culture and the sets ofmeanings people share that mediate our experiences with one another along withthe combination of these experiences which our behind our religion. Our beliefsare a reflection of our culture and this becomes obvious when we observe othercultures. Saudi Arabia, for example has a very different belief system than theUnited States and these religious beliefs are function of their faith andculture combined. As their culture changes, their beliefs, too, many change. Asthe sets of meanings people share change, their beliefs will follow. In areligious aspect the difference between faith and belief is easy to see if yougo to church the week before Christmas and then Christmas day and look at thedifference in the number of people. The regulars who give of themselves one daya week for God truly believe in God, those who show up for Holy Daysmore than likely have faith. Not to sound cynical, having faith is better thannothing, it is just not all that a person could give. But why are we being solazy? The answer comes to us in the context of our current society. In the darkages people had little to do, and very little enlightenment, so religion wasturned to as a way to fill a void. In that time people knew what it was tobelieve in something. Men of the dark ages fought wars for their religion anddied for what they believed was right. No, I am not saying the holy wars were agood idea, but it is a way to see what it is like to fully believe. T oday peopledont even have the ambition to fight and defend their country, much lessgive anything extra. We have things to occupy our selves and do not rely on aGod for everything that happens to us. This is where cultural shift comes intoplay when looking at religion. As people have advanced and explained things thatused to be a mystery, needing to believe in religion became unnecessary. In theClassical times of Greek culture, the gods played an important role of everydaylife. Everything that occurred was accredited to a god; thunder meant Zeus wasangry, a rough sea meant Poseidon was having a bad day on Mount Olympus. Theyneeded that to keep order in things that were inherently chaotic. Everything wasmade certain by religion. The Classical stage in history held the Earth to bedeep, permanent, and fixed. We were at the center of the universe and everythingrevolved around us. Deductive logic to give reason to all cases where there wasa lack of understanding. A logical assumption to the Greek was that lightningwas a sign of anger from the gods. As time progressed religion took on aslightly different role, as a guide for those in despair. People stoppedthinking everything was done by a group of gods and began to believe in acreator that was responsible for the Earth and the moon and all of the stars. Inthe 1500-1600s we hit the Modern or Empirical stage. We realized Earth wasntpermanent and new science a discoveries forced a new way of thinking. Socially,our views became relative to our experience and this was acceptable. Nothing wascertain anymore, but things became probable and individual cases reflected a newimportance. Modern science developed several theories that systematicallyexplain how we came to be, from the big bang to the theory of evolution. Withthis change in science, came a revolution in society. It is for that reason thatthe purpose of religion in a modern context has changed dramatically. Peoplewere factioned into those that believe science and those that believe religion. .ua0eebe769cf606dd29d482aca4d29f0f , .ua0eebe769cf606dd29d482aca4d29f0f .postImageUrl , .ua0eebe769cf606dd29d482aca4d29f0f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua0eebe769cf606dd29d482aca4d29f0f , .ua0eebe769cf606dd29d482aca4d29f0f:hover , .ua0eebe769cf606dd29d482aca4d29f0f:visited , .ua0eebe769cf606dd29d482aca4d29f0f:active { border:0!important; } .ua0eebe769cf606dd29d482aca4d29f0f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua0eebe769cf606dd29d482aca4d29f0f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua0eebe769cf606dd29d482aca4d29f0f:active , .ua0eebe769cf606dd29d482aca4d29f0f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua0eebe769cf606dd29d482aca4d29f0f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua0eebe769cf606dd29d482aca4d29f0f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua0eebe769cf606dd29d482aca4d29f0f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua0eebe769cf606dd29d482aca4d29f0f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua0eebe769cf606dd29d482aca4d29f0f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua0eebe769cf606dd29d482aca4d29f0f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua0eebe769cf606dd29d482aca4d29f0f .ua0eebe769cf606dd29d482aca4d29f0f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua0eebe769cf606dd29d482aca4d29f0f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Childhood Obesity Essay Introduction It caused tension in society and made discussing religion a taboo. It alsonarrowed the types of questions that one could ask about the universe. Only onebig question remained, Why? That is what currently holds people to religionwithout any boundaries. Why are we here has been one of the longest runningquestions in the history of the world. Centuries have been spent trying to findan answer and their greatest minds have come up with nothing. That is howreligion can bring people back into the light, do what it has always done bestand give people an answer to the question that plagues all of us. Get people tobelieve again and the ills of the world will fall.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Lab Report Microscope Sample
Lab Report Microscope Paper The compound microscope can provide a magnification up to kick It is better edited to view smaller objects such as animal tissue and thin pieces of plants. The stereo microscope on the other hand is able to view much larger objects such as rocks, insects, and flowers. However, the stereo microscope has a much lower magnification range of only. 2. If the ocular of your microscope is lox and your objective that you are viewing your specimen under is lox, what is the total magnification? To find the total magnification, you will multiply the ocular of your microscope by your objective. This results in the total magnification being kick 3. How does the light change on the compound microscope? Light on the compound changes from adjusting the iris diaphragm 4. What is the magnification of the ocular? The magnification of the ocular is lox. 5. Which type of microscope could you view a Frog? A stereo microscope would allow a person to view a frog. 6. What is the circular area that you see when you look under the microscope? The circular area you see when you look under the microscope is called the field of view. . What happens to the field of view as you go from low to high power on a compound microscope? When you go from low to high power on the compound microscope the field of view decreases. 8. What happened to the light as you go from low to high power on the The amount of light decreases as you go from low to high power on the compound microscope. 9. What power do you always begin on when you start looking at something on the microscope? Always begin with low power when you start looking at something under the microscope. 10. We will write a custom essay sample on Lab Report Microscope specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Lab Report Microscope specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Lab Report Microscope specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer When you get done using the microscope, what power do you always put the microscope Always put the microscope back to low power after you are done using the microscope. Procedures: 1. Turn the lights on 2. Rheostat to 10 3. Place slide letter e on stage 4. Secure it 5. Switch to xx view 6. Center specimen 7. Switch views 8. Adjust oculars to 70 9. Adjust course focus to until slide is in view 10. Adjust iris diaphragm 11. Adjust fine focus 12. Center image 13. View under xx 14. Screen shot 15. Switch view to xx 16. Screen shot 17. Switch to xx 18. Adjust iris diaphragm 19. Adjust fine focus 20. Screen shot 21. Switch to xx 22. Adjust diaphragm 23. Screen shot 24. Switch view 25. Return to low power 26. Select onion root tip slide 27. Center slide 28. Scroll to top position 29. Switch view 30. View in xx 31. Adjust iris diaphragm 32. Adjust fine focus 33. Screen shot 4 view in xx 35. Adjust diaphragm 36. Adjust fine focus 37. Screen shot 38. Switch view 39. Adjust iris diaphragm 40. S creen shot 41. Switch to xx 42. Adjust diaphragm 43. Screen shot 44. Return to low power 45. Select bacterial capsule slide 46. Center slide 47. Eve stage to top position 48. Switch view 49. Adjust course focus 50. Adjust iris diaphragm 51. Adjust fine focus 52. Screen shot 53. Switch view to xx 54. Screen shot switch to xx 55. Adjust iris diaphragm 56. Screen shot 57. Switch to xx 58. Adjust fine focus 59. Screen shot 60. Return to low power 61. Select cheek smear slide 62. Enter slide 63. Move stage to top position 64. Switch view 65. Adjust course focus 66. Adjust iris diaphragm 67. Adjust fine focus 68. Screen shot 69. Switch to xx 70. Screen shot 71. Switch to xx 72. Adjust iris diaphragm 73. Adjust fine focus 74. Screen shot 75. Switch to xx 76. Adjust iris diaphragm 77. Screen shot 78. Switch to low power Rest Its: THE LETTER e SLIDE xx view 1 Ox view xx view 1 ox view ONION ROOT TIP SLIDE 1 OX view BACTERIAL CAPSULE SLIDE xx view 1 view CHEEK SMEAR SLIDE 1 xx view Conclusion : The microscope lab was enjoyable for me. Even though it was an online emulation of a microscope, I found it to follow the same format and steps you would use with a real life microscope. Ive had experience in the past on using a microscope, but it has been a while. This lab has really been a refresher on how to properly use a microscope I learned the correct steps to take when viewing a slide, such as beginning and ending in low power. The lab has also taught me the advantages and disadvantages of using a compound microscope vs A stereo microscope Lastly, the microscope lab has shown me that if you follow the correct order and sequence of steps, viewing slides is easy, fun, and exciting. The Microscope Lab Review Questions 1 . What is the difference between a compound and stereo microscope? The compound microscope can provide a magnification up to XX. It is better 2. Explain to me in detail how to focus something under the microscope and increase in magnification. In order to bring a slide into focus, you must use the course adjustment knob, then switch to the fine adjustment knob to bring out a clearer image. To increase magnification, for example, you would switch from xx (xx) to 10 (xx) and so on, while continuing to tweak the focus. 3. Which part of the microscope permits you to have exact focusing? The course adjustment knob generally lets you bring the image into focus. However, the fine adjustment knobs permits you to have exact focusing. . How do you change the light while looking under the microscope? To change the light while looking under the microscope, you must use the iris diaphragm 5. What is the correct way to hold a microscope? The correct way to hold and carry a microscope is the place one hand under the base of the microscope and one hand on the arm. 6. Which part of the microscope contains lenses of different m agnifications? The revolving nose piece contains lenses of different magnifications on the . What happens to the field of view as you go from low to high power? When you go from low to high power on the compound microscope the field of view decreases. 8. What happens to the light as you go from low to high power? The amount of light decreases as you go from low to high power on the compound microscope. 9. What power do you always begin on when you start looking at something under the microscope? You always begin on low power when you start looking at something under the microscope. 10. When you get done using the microscope, what power do you always put the microscope back on? You always put the microscope on low power when you are done using it. 11. If the objective lens was on XX, what would be the total magnification? The total magnification would be KICK. 12. Which part of the microscope supports the slides and which part holds the slides steady? The stage supports the slides and the stage clips hold the slides steady. 13. Which part of the microscope is the part that you look through and is closest to your eyes? The ocular lens is the part of the microscope that you look through and is closest to your eyes. 14. Which part of the microscope supports the body tube and the adjustment knobs? The arm supports the body tube and the adjustment knobs on a 15. Which part of the microscope supports the weight of the microscope? The base supports the weight of the microscope. 16. Which microscope part allows you to regulate how much light is going through your specimen? The iris diaphragm controls the amount of light going through your specimen. 17. Which part of the microscope allows you to move the objectives of the microscope to low, medium, high power. The objective lens allow you to movie the objectives of the microscope to low, medium, and high power. 18. Which part of the microscope changes the distance between the slide and he objective to focus an image? The course focus knob will allow you to move the stage, which is the distance between the slide and the objective to focus an mage. 19. What is magnification? The act or process of enlarging the view an image of something is magnification. 20. At which total magnification do you view the largest field of view area on your slide? Xx is the total magnification you can view the largest field of view area on your slide. 21. At which total magnification do you view the smallest field of view area on your slide? Xx is the total magnification you can view the smallest field of view area on your slide. 22. How do you calculate total magnification? Magnification is the the ocular lens multiplied by the objective lens. 23. What is the magnification of the ocular? The magnification of the ocular lens in 10. 24. Which type of microscope could you view a live specimen such as a branch from a tree? A Stereo microscope would allow you to view a live specimen such as a branch from a tree. 25. Label this diagram below: Put your answers of the diagram above in the boxes below. 1. Body tube 8. Light 2. Revolving incipience 9. Curia lens 3. 1 ox 10. Arm 4. Xx 1 1 . Stage 5. 12. Course adjustment knob 6. Stage clips
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