Saturday, May 23, 2020
Nutrition Is Essential Component Of Physical Fitness And...
Nutrition is vital component of physical fitness and performance. Eating balanced diet is very important in health, as our bodies need essentials nutrition to live, grow and function properly. However, are there any additional supplements needed for people who engages in physical activities more than the others? In the past decades, many workout supplementation has gained vast majority of popularity among young males who attempts to enhance their strength and physical performances. Performance supplements must be consumed close proximity to resistance exercises in order to experience full effects if there is one. Performance supplements are widely accessible in the public as it is one of the supplements that has been purchased the most among young adults population, hence, it is necessary to take close look at the product. It is crucial to take close examine of performance supplement to find out if there are any effects at all in strength and performance enhancement Ormsbee et al. (2012), in their Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition article, â€Å"The effects of six weeks of supplementation with multi-ingredient performance supplements and resistance training on anabolic hormones, body composition, strength and power in resistance-trained men†states that Multi-Ingredient performance supplements (MIPS) increase peak anaerobic power. The study consisted of six weeks of training with two controlled groups in which one group consumes performance supplementsShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Physical Activity And Nutrition1618 Words  | 7 Pages It is essential for every human being to understand the importance of physical activity and nutrition. Exercise and diet play a major role in contributing to health and quality of life. â€Å"Not only is 1 in every 8 Americans older than 65 years, but a person aged 65 can expect to live an average of 18 more years (Drewnowski, 2001).†The fact that people are living long er involves many factors, however, taking care of ourselves is an essential one. While each of the two are vital together they alsoRead MoreNutrition Is The Basic Process Of Providing The Human Body With The Necessary Food For Health And Growth1611 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Nutrition is the basic process of providing the human body with the necessary food for health and growth. While this might seem to be a simple concept, nutrition is exceedingly complex and affects many areas of an individual’s life. One of these areas is exercise. Diet is considered one of the most influential components in improving athletic performance. Optimal nutrition can enhance (a) physical activity, (b) athletic performance and (c) recovery from exercise (Manroe, M.M., BarrRead MoreEssay on Running and Over Training1428 Words  | 6 Pages Even though some experts believe that excessive running is detrimental to the human body, and others believe any amount of running is one of the key components in most athletes, Still others believe that moderation between both extremes can benefit your sport. Running may have a heavier toll on the body than any other sport, literally. With each stride, force of two to three times the bodies weight is hammered on the joint, muscles, and tendons. How much running is â€Å"too much†running? isRead MorePrevention And Treatment Of Diabetes1590 Words  | 7 Pagesplan that can include: educating the children about optimum levels of physical activity and healthy nutrition. The purpose of this paper is to explore the prevention strategies that nurses can provide against type 2 diabetes among children utilizing the Pender Health Promotion Model. Initially, for a nurse to develop a prevention plan he/she must look at the components of the Pender Health Promotion Model (HPM). The first component that must be addressed is benefits of action, which is â€Å"the anticipatedRead MoreTheories Of The Theory Of School Age Children Essay1592 Words  | 7 Pagesrearranged with the desired population at hand. School-age children are influenced by the culture, beliefs, attitudes, and prior health behaviors. These children will enact in behaviors they deem to have valuable benefits when performed, which will be an essential influence on the retention rate of these children in the ASP. Activities and education must be enticing to the children in order for the ASP to be a success. The perception of ability or inability to perform a given behavior will influence the commitmentRead MoreImportance of Physical Education in Schools2064 Words  | 9 Pages Importance of Physical Education in Schools SPO3001 Learn to Swim Table of Contents Page Introduction 3 Definition of Physical Education 3 What is taught in Physical Education? 4 Importance of Physical Education 5 The Importance of Physical Education as it relates to Swimming 7 Disadvantages of lack of Physical Education 9 Conclusion 10 References 11 Introduction Physical education plays a vital roleRead MoreExercise For Today s Youth1552 Words  | 7 Pageswill benefit them in the long term I believe that physical fitness is very important regarding the overall health of adolescents. Throughout the growing years of teens, our bodies are always changing and with these changes which are both emotional well as physical, our bodies require more and more activity, allowing the body to burn energy along with extra calories. Although many people may feel that concerns relating to physical fitness in adolescents should be the absolute responsibility ofRead MoreTim Hortons Coffee Is A Brand Named After Its Founder1328 Words  | 6 Pages Calibration, Capability and Performance (2013 sustainability and responsibility, 2013) Commitment In order to maintain the employee engagement and commitment, they have a different program. They do conduct the feedback surveys and focus groups which helps them to identify the different opportunities to enhance their overall employee experience. Calibration The evaluation of employees’ performance and potential, across the organization, has been done by performance and talent reviews. These reviewsRead MoreFitness Testing For Rugby Essay1897 Words  | 8 PagesThe purpose of this assignment is to provide an appropriate fitness assessment for a rugby union player. An effective fitness assessment should provide essential information regarding players’ match fitness and reveal what fitness programs need prescribing. In order for a test to be effective it must reflect the specific demands of the sport. Each test was chosen due to its specificity in relation to the demands of rugby union competition. An understanding of the client will be made clear throughRead MorePhysical Activity And Mental Health1478 Words  | 6 Pages The topic physical activity and mental health is an under researched and unknown topic compared to many other topics in the healthcare field (Fox, 1999). Many factors play into the role of how well th e body processes and functions. Physical activity can impact one s body in a variety of ways. Someone who exercises regularly can have an overall better mental health, relief of stress and anxiety, and a slimmer figure. For most people, exercise or working out is not the first thing that comes to
Monday, May 18, 2020
tempnature Duality Between Nature and Society in...
Duality Between Nature and Society in The Tempest One of the essential themes of The Tempest is the duality between nature and society. This is made evident through the character of Caliban: the disfigured fish-like creature that inhabits the island upon which the play takes place. Caliban lacks civility because he was born on the island deprived of any social or spiritual morality other than nature and instinct. He is literally man untamed. Caliban is not monstrous simply for the sake of being frightening; his ghastly appearance is intended to literally depict the essential differences between civilization and natural instinct. Caliban represents man, instinct, and nature in†¦show more content†¦These are present because life is easier with rules like this. Human beings no longer had to worry about being killed or being looted as much as long as they were within the confines of a civilization. People started to be able to take up specialized professions and be able to count on other people to perform tasks such as carpentry, cooking, etc. Governments were formed to organize the people and efficiently run a civilization. Now the individual was not responsible for every aspect of survival but contributed to the overall survival of a civilization. From this economies were born either through trade or currency. However, the cornerstones of human civilizations (money and power) have lead to a whole new form of evil and brutality that was never present in nature. Its almost of a blind perversion of human nature. Through bettering our situation, we have corrupted ourselves to an extent (greed). C ivilization can produce more savage and evil beings than nature. While Caliban is perceived as being evil and monstrous, he really is not. He just does not know any better. However, Antonio is much more malicious than Caliban because he knows what he has done is evil This goes back to the concept of nature vs. society. Caliban is Shakespeares representation of natural instinct and how it collides with society. Of course Caliban could have simply been a man raised in nature,
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Justification of the American Revolution - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 913 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/04/26 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: American Revolution Essay Did you like this example? Justification of the American Revolution In the mid-1700s, the thirteen American colonies launched an uprising which was aimed at gaining independence from Britain. The Americans were questioning Britains authority and this had begun as early as the French and Indian war . The Americans were in every right, aspect as well as mind to take action against the British. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Justification of the American Revolution" essay for you Create order The choice of rebelling against the British through launching a war against them was the only choice they had. The diplomatic steps taken before had ceased to stand a chance against the brutal Britain. The American had used diplomatic means like sending letters to the Britons, an option which didnt bear fruits. Hence, this was a good reason to indicate that the Americans were justified to launch a rebellion. The Americans were justified to launch a revolution because the Britons were making laws which would take away certain rights from the people. Britain didnt use her power in such a way that it would benefit them and the American people. They took control of what the people could and couldnt trade with. The laws were good ideas to the king, but not the best to the Americans. Hence, the British were missing this aspect in their colony and this led to the American Revolution. The Americans wanted to relieve themselves from these oppressive laws from the Britons. Additionally, the American Revolution was justified because of a massacre which was carried out by the Britons. Research shows that the Americans completely changed the way they viewed Britain. The picture of how the massacre occurred shows that winning the hearts of the Americans again would be very difficult. It occurred in such a way that the Britons randomly fired on the crowd, not just a particular area. The picture indicates that the British were very organized and out to kill the Americans . A simple picture shows that the British troops had a desire to kill people and this can been seen from their organization. The picture clearly portrays the Britons as murderers and this was a good reason to warrant a revolution. The king had total control and power over the Americans and could do what he deemed necessary to control them. In this case, he didnt care about the peoples feelings and instead of adopting policies which would make them happy, his decisions were centered on making the government better. In the long-run, the government was to be made happy by the king through generating a lot of money. One of the ways the king was raising money was through taxing the Americans heavily. Any time the king made a law which the people of America didnt like, it would backfire on him and this would lead to more uprisings. The people became unhappy and this led to a rebellion against the Briton. Arguments which Americans Levied Against the British and their Counterclaims One of the arguments the Americans levied was that the kings legislation was oppressive to the people. Additionally, the people of America argued that the king instituted these legislations without the peoples consent even though they would affect them. Some of the legislations were high taxes as well as preventing the people from trading freely. The Britons on the other hand argued that all these legislations were passed for the common good of the government and the people. The taxes were meant to create a perfect government for the people of America. Additionally, they argued that they had the right to tax the Americans, just like other colonies. However, the government turned too oppressive and this led to a rebellion. The Americans also questioned the relationship between their local, colonial, which were the elected bodies and the British parliament in which the Americans were not represented. The Americans on their side argued that only the elected bodies had the legitimate power to impose taxes. However, in this case, the king and the British parliament in which the Americans were not represented had the power to impose taxes. The Britons countered this claim by arguing that even in England, most of the citizens didnt vote for delegates to parliament . Additionally, they also argued that all the citizens of England enjoyed a virtual representation in the parliament which represented their interests. The argument was meant to show that the British parliament had the power to impose taxes on the Americans even though they were not represented. However, this was a distasteful part to the Americans because they had been electing their legislators for a long time. How the World would View the American Colonists Today In the todays world, the colonist would be viewed as oppressive and less democratic. Imposing taxes on people who are not represented in the taxing body was a form of oppression . Additionally, denying the people the chance to elect their leaders and trade freely wasnt democratic. To show that this is oppression, the current situation in the United States as well as Britain is that the people are taxed by democratically instituted bodies and laws. However, this wasnt the case in America in the colonial era. Another example lies in the fact that the poor and the rich are taxed differently in the two countries. During the colonial era, especially in America, all the people were taxed equally whether rich or poor. Finally, in todays world, essential and non-essential commodities are taxed differently. However, the case of America shows that tea and paint were taxed equally which wasnt fair.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Characters Of Foils In William Shakespeares Hamlet
Foils In Hamlet In fiction, a foil is a character whom contrasts with another character in the story, typically the protagonist. The foil is able to highlight certain aspects of their opposing character. A foil can differ dramatically or be extremely similar but tends to have key qualities that distinguish the two apart from each other. When an author uses a foil in literature they are emphasizing not only strengths and weaknesses the main character poses, but also understanding the obvious as well as hidden aspects of their lives. In the Shakespeares tragedy, Hamlet, William Shakespeares applies foils to explore morality and social ethics and how to answer the overall question of the tragedy, what it means to be a human and†¦show more content†¦The two individuals go about this differently. Unlike Hamlet, Laertes is eager with motivation and wants to find answers right away. However, his personality is extremely superficial, while Hamlet’s is authentic. Laertes and Hamlet bot h pose similarities towards showing their anger. It can be very reckless and impulsive, causing them to bring up more problems than they already had before. The news about Laertes father brought exasperation to Laertes. He quickly jumped to conclusions and pinned the act on Claudius, â€Å"That drop of blood that’s calm proclaims me bastard, cries cuckold to my father, brands the harlot even here, between the chaste unsmirch’d brows of my true mother.†(4.5 115-118) Laertes wanted answers and he wanted them now or else he was going to reverse the act back and kill Claudius. Hamlet also went the same route after he found out Claudius killed his father, but in a more timely manner with a lot of background planning. He turned his anger into actions and attempted to kill Claudius, however he stabbed through the curtain and killed Polonius instead. Another foil in this tragedy is Ophelia, Hamlet’s â€Å"better half†. While Laeretes was a foil t o Hamlet between their actions after their fathers deaths, Ophelia and Hamlet contrasted each other emotionally after their fathers deaths, Ophelia is able to give the audience a deeper look into Hamlet’s heart and how he views certain aspects of his life. Revenge and death is how the readerShow MoreRelatedThe Foils of Hamlet Essay646 Words  | 3 PagesA foil is a minor character in a literary work that compliments the main character through similarities and differences in personality and plot. In William Shakespeares play Hamlet, the main character, Hamlet, has three major foils. These foils are his close friend Horatio, Fortinbras, Prince of Norway, and the brother of his love, Laertes. These three characters contradict and enhance Hamlets major characteristics. Hamlets friend Horatio is a foil for him because he brings out the revengeRead More Foils as Reflections of Hamlet Essay1042 Words  | 5 Pages   Foils are minor characters, that through similarities and differences, set off or accent the main characters of a play. There is a strong connection between the foils in a play and ones final perception of the main characters. In William Shakespeares Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, there is a continuous shifting of the main characters emotions. These emotions range anywhere from madness and rage to grief and sorrow. In Hamlet there is a foil that represents each emotion and behavior that isRead More Ophelia as a Foil to Shakespeares Hamlet Essay875 Words  | 4 PagesOphelia as a Foil to Hamlet        In Shakespeares tragedy, Hamlet, the audience finds a docile, manipulated, scolded, victimized young lady named Ophelia. Ophelia is a foil to Hamlet. Plays have foils to help the audience better understand the more important characters in the play.  The character of Ophelia is necessary so that the audience will give Hamlet a chance to get over his madness and follow his heart.      Similarities are an important part of being a foil. One similarityRead More The Character Horatio in Shakespeares Hamlet Essay1248 Words  | 5 PagesThe Character Horatio in Shakespeares Hamlet In the play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, the confidant Horatio is created to serve a number of different purposes. Horatio is a flat character. He is a loyal, obedient, and trustworthy companion to Hamlet. His character does not undergo any significant transformation throughout the play, except that he serves as a witness of the death of Hamlet, Claudius, and Gertrude. Horatios role in the play seems to be as a utilitarian character that ShakespeareRead MoreFoils Of William Shakespeare s Hamlet Essay1130 Words  | 5 PagesA foil is a character who acts as the opposite to another character and consequently highlights important features of that character’s personality . A foil character often contrasts with the features of another character. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet , there are obvious foils for the main character, Hamlet. These foils include Horatio, Fortinbras, Claudius, and Laertes. William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, is a an excellent demonstration of character foils. A foil is also known as a literary device that revealsRead More The Foils of Laertes and Fortinbras in Hamlet Essay1031 Words  | 5 PagesThe Foils of Laertes and Fortinbras in Hamlet      William Shakespeare wrote the classic play, Hamlet in the sixteenth century. Hamlet would be a very difficult play to understand without the masterful use of foils. A foil is a minor character in a literary work that compliments the main character through similarities and differences in personality. The audience can identify similarities and differences between any of the characters and Hamlet, however, there are two characters thatRead MoreCause and Effect Hamlet Essay902 Words  | 4 PagesCause and Effect Hamlet Essay William Shakespeare, arguably the greatest language in the English language and England’s national poet, has written numerous histories, tragedies, comedies and poems. Throughout his plays, his use of dramatic irony, immaculate word choice and wording, and his vast imagination has made him a successful playwright even in his time. Shakespeare’s scripts for his theatrical company, needed to pertain to the needs and fascinations of the Elizabethan audience. It is safeRead MoreOphelia in William Shakespeares Hamlet Essay1488 Words  | 6 PagesOphelia in William Shakespeares Hamlet Shakespeares Hamlet is a tale of mortal revenge, lost souls, love and infidelity, and murder in the royal family. Hamlet, his father having recently died, is mourning the marriage of his mother to his uncle. When his fathers ghost appears to him and tells him he must avenge the former kings spirit so that it may pass on to Heaven, he decides to put on an antic disposition so that no one will know what he is thinking. As time goes by, he cannot moveRead MoreA Compare/Contrast of Hamlet through his foils - Laertes, Fortinbras and Horatio.1702 Words  | 7 PagesIt is without doubt that William Shakespeare has created many unique, thought - provoking characters. Hamlet is by far Shakespeares most compelling character. In Shakespeares play Hamlet, various character traits, exhibited by Hamlet, can be seen through his foils. Similarities with Hamlet and Horatios education, as well as their levels, can be drawn. However, Hamlets character is in constant change and even philosophical. F ortinbras, without question encompasses many of Hamlets qualities. TheyRead MoreThe Foil Of Shakespeare s The Tragedy Of Hamlet 901 Words  | 4 PagesIn literature, the foil is a person whose traits, by differences and similarities, help to emphasize and enhance the qualities and actions of the protagonist. Many characters, such as King Claudius, Fortinbras, and Laertes, in William Shakespeare’s â€Å"The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark†qualify as foils for Hamlet, the protagonist. However, Laertes is the most appropriate foil for Hamlet. Laertes’ similarities and differences with Hamlet along with his actions and traits allow him to be an effective
Recovering Addicts in the Field of Substance Abuse Counseling Free Essays
RECOVERING ADDICTS IN THE FIELD OF SUBTANCE ABUSE COUSELING Is Substance Abuse Counseling a good career for a convicted felon and recovering drug addict? A person’s past mistakes in life can sometimes prevent that person from getting certain jobs later in life. With a prior criminal record some employers may not consider that individual as a good candidate for the job. Substance abuse counselors can be needed in hospitals, institutions, rehab centers, schools, and other government ran facilities. We will write a custom essay sample on Recovering Addicts in the Field of Substance Abuse Counseling or any similar topic only for you Order Now With a felony conviction against your criminal back ground check, government ran facilities normally will not hire convicted felons due to higher risk of a liability. Personal background checks are sometimes required as well and if that individual has a past known drug addiction, employers may seem skeptical of hiring. It has however been acknowledged that a recovering drug addict will make a better candidate than someone with no past drug addiction. A recovering drug addict has experienced personally the addiction, struggles, and with drawls that are present when trying to become sober. Close to 100,000 people in the US work in recovery related jobs earning their living as drug counselors,†techs†,or social workers at the hospital treatment programs and thousands of rehabs across the country. Most people who enter the field of substance abuse counseling have some kind of personal connection with the problem. More than 50% are recovering drug addicts themselves or have family members or close friends that are addicts. A strange twist on the famous Hunter S. Thompson’s quote â€Å"When the going get weird, the weird turn pro. With a personal connection to a past life of drug/alcohol use it usually tends to mean substance abuse counselors are incredibly passionate and dedicated. There is however a downside. Many addicts even significant amount of sober time, are at risk of a relapse. When substance abuse counselors stumbles, the consequences are often more crucial than that of someone who is not in that type of career. Cynthia Moreno Tuchy, the EXECT UCTIVE DIRECTOR of THE NATIONAL ASSIOCATION OF ALOCHOLISM AND DRUG ABUSE COUNSELORS (NAADAC) puts a rather fine point on it. We (chemical dependency professionals) do very well treating clients in general; we don’t do so for the professionals in recovery. We tend to blame the victim –we say you have a disease, but we are not recognizing relapse is part of that disease cycle. Why would we not do for addiction counselors as we would for everyone else? †She says. Most graduate programs in chemical dependency require applicants to have significant time free-typical a year or two-from chemical use and in most states licensing boards require similar amounts of clean times. When a substance abuse counselor relapses, they violate that condition and normally lose their jobs. The climb back tends to be quite steep. While relapse of a counselor poses danger to patients, the biggest threat is actually to the person who relapses. â€Å"Anecdotally the recovery rate for persons who work in the field that relapse is abysmal. †Says Chuck Rice. Counselors who do relapse, may continue to escalate with their relapse for fear of losing their job and can go untreated and hit rock bottom once again, which could have been a simple slip up if treatment was assemble as sought. Many people, who make a living in the recovery field, complain over time, it can become easy for professionals to blur the line between demands of personal recovery and the demand of their job. Giving the low success rate at many rehabs, burn out is a major issue. â€Å"When you work in the field,†says John Leonard, â€Å"The last thing you want to do when you get off work is to go to a meeting. †Furthermore, recovering substance abuse counselors get used to being the one with the answers, the experiences, and creditability. It’s easy to confuse work with their own personal recovery programs. The irony is that support and safety nets that exist for other professionals who fall victim to addiction does not exist for people who work in this field. â€Å"Sobriety rates of monitored professionals exceed 90%†Says Chuck Rice, â€Å"A rate far above the average general population. †Touhy estimates that 85,000 people in the addiction work force an as many 30,000 are recovering addicts. Without a national monitoring system and strong areas of informal support, these professional who work every day helping others to a clean life will go without the support they need and deserve. As the recovery field grows, so will the need for the professional working to help make the system work. If a system such as this is established I believe it is possible and a good choice career for a recovering addict to pursue a career as a substance abuse counselor despite the risk and triggers that can lead to relapse many counselors and people working in the addiction field can relate to current addicts lifestyles and be grateful they are not on that path themselves. Having desired to help others recover from addiction because they themselves re in recovery there is hope in knowing that recovery is possible because they have achieved it. There was an incident that happened in 2009 that captured the national news. Adam â€Å"DJ AM†Goldstein, host of MTV GONE TO FAR intervention reality series, was found dead at his New York City apartment from a drug overdose. DJ AM had just finished filming the MTV intervention reality series when he himself relapsed and died from a drug overdose. He had been sober for eleven years and had hoped to help others beat drug addiction. Goldstein admitted before his death that watching the videos filmed by Gone to Far’s addicts and loved ones was a â€Å"terrifying†experience. Goldstein stated,†I am a recovering drug addict. When I see and I am in their room and the paraphernalia and the whole lifestyle and everything, I still, eleven years later, have little thing in my head that starts thinking, Oh, Where’s that? , I wonder what that is? And I look at it in this way, And I have to constantly remind myself why I’m here and remember what it was like. â€Å"There’s no better way to remember what it was like at my bottom than to see someone at their bottom, and to help them and lift them up. †Nick Zybko wrote that nearly 40% of substance abuse counselors relapse over the course of their career. The need for substance abuse counselors is growing in today society. With economic failures and job layoffs, more people today are at a greater risk in turning to drugs or alco hol to escape and run from their problems. Counselors and other professional workers in the addiction fields are continuing to search for roles to help society deal with substance abuse. Counselors are aware of the destruction it causes to individuals, families, businesses, and other organizations caused by dependency on alcohol or other drugs. One factor in important quality needed in a successful intervention and recovery with counselor and patient is empathy, genuineness’s, warmth, immediacy. Paired along with effective helping skills, such as questioning, comforting, self-disclosing, clarifying, and other skills common to the counseling process. Most substance abuse counselors who are recovering addicts can relate to the patients on a more personal level and a patient-counselor trusting relationship can be better formed. Each organization and treatment facilities differs from state to state as to what credentials you need to pursue a career as a substance abuse counselor. All facilities I have researched are accepting to recovering addicts as long as there is a sobriety of one to two years. Most recovering addicts have a criminal background record as well due to the â€Å"addiction disease†. There are some rehabs a treatment facilities that only hire certified substance abuse counselors who are in fact recovering addicts even with a criminal record. As long as the substance abuse counselor is not on probation or parole this type of career is perfect for a recovering addict with a criminal past who has the desire to help others recover from addictions. As with any career and everyday life, a recovering addict is always at risk of relapse because of the disease. Perusing a career as substance abuse counselor has it downfalls as well as its advantages. Living a drug free life and remaining in recovery is important no matter the choice of career. I have pondered throughout most of my life as to what type of career I want in life and now that I am at a point in my life to making positive changes, I feel substance abuse counseling is an excellent choice for myself and perhaps others who have lead a similar life to myself and have the want and desire and even personal experience and knowledge to help others recover from their addictions to live a healthy happy life without drugs or alcohol. Sally Hughes Smh1976@email. phoenix. edu How to cite Recovering Addicts in the Field of Substance Abuse Counseling, Essay examples
Being a Responsible Steward Starts at the Community Essay Example For Students
Being a Responsible Steward Starts at the Community Essay Tallish City, Zebu and point out the specific area where our project will take place. 2. Inform our family members about the plan and explain it thoroughly. We will also ask for their suggestions to make the project more productive, 3. Send letters to the Bargain Officials, friends and neighbors requiring their cooperation for this project. We will also orient them on what to do for the Immersion. 4. Agree with all participants of the certain time and date of immersion, materials to be brought, and snacks to be served. B. I. Start the cleaning. Start from the dirtiest areas that you have gathered through the survey to the not so dirty areas. 2. When disposing the waste and garbage, remember to set aside those RECYCLABLE MATERIALS. 3. Don t burn the biodegradable materials. Instead, dig a hole , put everything there and cover it with soil. 4. Set aside or keep the recyclable materials for future remaking Of products. 5. Serve the snacks for the people who participated in the clean-up project. 6. Remind the people Of the next date Of the community immersion and thank them for their participation VIII. Goal: Our goal is to have a clean and healthy environment around our place and to make use of the recyclable that are thrown away.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Determinants of Seasonal Influenza Vaccination - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theDeterminants of Seasonal Influenza Vaccination. Answer: Population The target population is all healthcare professionals in Australian. The study will target every healthcare provider in Australia to undertake the research. Method: The primary research will be undertaken. The data collection tool or instrument will be an online questionnaire. The questionnaire will be sent to the participants of the study through online method. The online questionnaire will detail a set of questions which combine to form a questionnaire and will be uploaded online as a survey, then set to qualified respondents (healthcare professional) to be later analyzed for practical insights on the determinants of seasonal influenza vaccination during 2017 to 2018. The online questionnaire has been chosen for this research because they are not only seen to create but also easy to analyze. Estimated Number of Participants: It is estimated that 884 participants will take part in the study. These will be both male and female healthcare professionals. They will be drawn from the hospitals around the country. The required sample size (number of respondents needed) for this study will thus be 707 at the margin of error of 2% and CF of 95%. The estimated response rate will be eighty percent. From here, it is assumed that the population of the professional. Sampling The sampling will be convenience among the healthcare professionals. It will be characterized by the non-systematic to recruit the respondents who usually permit potential respondents to select themselves into the sample. It requires less time and effort to produce compared to probability samples. Thus convenience sampling is chosen here because to will save on costs. Convenience sampling is useful when the respondents are hard to access, but they can be reached through online channels like emails. The convenience sampling is suitable for this study because the web-based surveys have provided a platform for recruiting convenience samplings effectively. The volunteers will thus be readily pooled from a significant number of healthcare professionals of using online survey thus providing the researcher with on-demand access to extraordinarily inspired and motivated healthcare professionals from the various background at a reduced cost. The pool of respondent will hence permit for a large sample, heterogeneity as well as long-term respondent availability. Literature also supports the suitability of convenience sampling in social research. A convenience pool gives a sufficiently enormous number of motivated participants who are available on demand and throughout many survey waves when longitudinal research design is applied. The relative continuity of convenience pool has modified traditional convenience sampling thus permitting compelling exploration of the structures of the pool to render more transparency and knowledge regarding the underlying sample (Song et al., 2017). It is also appropriate in this survey mode because of the internet which provides a communication channel to send personalized messages to several receivers. This opportunity permits convenience pools at less cost and efforts. Because the survey mode is an online one, convenience sampling remains the best sampling technique. Moreover, convenience sampling allows for heterogeneity (Yeung, Lam Coker, 2016). It provides for demographic heterogeneity because when the participants are pooled from multiple homogenous samples, it is probably that such samples are different thus resulting in the pool of participants which is heterogeneous than the initial sample. Moreover, because this study uses a design that needs a large sample, it will benefit from the convenience pool. Even though the response speed from convenience sample seems to take some time, it is also true that such responses remain reliable. Recruitment and Enrollment Because this is a longitudinal research design capable of offering rich information, gathering data throughout the multiple surveys remains exemption instead of the rule in the social studies. Thus, to prevent the many problems including unavailability of the initial sample when a substantial time lag between waves is present, convenience pool will be the best recruitment option. Moreover, convenience pool is suitable because it will allow a follow-up measure following few days that might be lacking in a non-student convenience sample (Vila-Candel et al., 2016). A convenience pool is thus appropriate recruitment option because the respondents are available at a future date. Moreover, it will save the cost that would otherwise be required in the non-convenience sample as costs and efforts disproportionately surge as non-response is consequent wave needs a large initial sample. The convenience pool respondents learn from post-hoc info relating to experimental deception and summaries of results and also receive thanks for completing questionnaire and hence making convenience pool recruitment useful. Convenience pool recruitment renders better study because additional sample enriches research through a representative cross-section survey with the longitudinal data. Also, a sample from a convenience pool is appropriate because it allows for online questionnaires, heterogeneity, large sample size and multiple survey waves (Hayward, 2017). Having identified the convenience pool of potential recruits (healthcare professionals), their phone numbers and emails account will be gathered from this known pool. Then, the messages will be sent to them using the emails and phone numbers to ask for their consent to participate in the result (Gonzalez et al., 2015). Parallel to contact; they will not only be required to give their permission but also meet the screening (inclusion or exclusion criteria). Only those who have approval and meet the standards will be recruited and subsequently registered to take part in the study (Legge, Dodds, MacDonald, Scott McNeil, 2014). The information will thus be collected by emailing the respondents the questionnaire and asked to fill an email back within a week. They will be required to fill the questionnaires by themselves without any interference or suggestion by the researcher (Carrasco-Garrido et al., 2009). To maximize the response rate, only experienced professionals will be recruited because they will have been able to know how to give the responses without assistance that can make them wrongly respond against their wishes (Vila-Candel et al., 2016). Also, the response rate will be improved by use of short questionnaires. References Carrasco-Garrido, P., Lpez de Andrs, A., Hernndez-Barrera, V., Gil de Miguel, ., Jimnez-Garca, R. (2009). Patient's perceptions and information provided by the public health service are predictors for influenza vaccine uptake.Human vaccines,5(12), 839-842. Gonzalez, R., Campins, M., Rodrigo, J. A., Uriona, S., Vilca, L. M. (2015). Influenza vaccination coverage in children with risk conditions in Catalonia.Enfermedades infecciosas y microbiologia clinica,33(1), 22-26. Hayward, A. C. (2017). Influenza vaccination of healthcare workers is an important approach for reducing transmission of influenza from staff to vulnerable patients.PloS one,12(1), e0169023. Legge, A., Dodds, L., MacDonald, N. E., Scott, J., McNeil, S. (2014). Rates and determinants of seasonal influenza vaccination in pregnancy and association with neonatal outcomes.Canadian Medical Association Journal,186(4), E157-E164. 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